Natasha Sultan | First Lady Commercial Pilot of Gilgit Baltistan
|Captain Natasha Sultan|

Belongs to Hunza, currently her family resides in Ghizer and she is the First Female Commercial Pilot of Gilgit Baltistan
Captain Natasha Sultan is currently instructor at AYLA Aviation Academy Jordan, She is originally from Hassan Abad, Hunza-Nagar, currently her family is living in Gahkuch, Ghizer. She was born in Ghizer and trained at a flying School in Lahore, she explains the experience at Ayla Pricless as“It is a fantastic place with everbody committed to learning and doing it properly.” She admitted that there had been some cultural issues with some students having reservations about taking instruction from a woman,but these were quickly resolved.
Ayla had been committed to the first ever conference on the role of women in aviation in the middle East. Students are helped with accommodation at the ground school with modern classrroms with the latest teaching aids.
Natasha Sultan wished to join PIA in the future but her biggest dream is to fly His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan’s private jet. She is a fully qualified pilot exemplifying as first female commercial pilot from the Gilgit-Baltistan and deserves it the most .
Natasha showed that abilities can take a person to greater heights regardless of any gender.
Long long way to go Natasha… You deserve more and more… Keep on adding feathers to our caps…
SOURCE: http://
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