Structure of OEC

The patron spearheads the overall foundation process with his invaluable technical, financial and moral support.
M&A Council
The Monitory and Advisory (M&A) Council of OEC monitors the activities of OEC. They play their role in providing technical as well as managerial level support to the team. Monitory & Advisory Council comprises of the following designations:
- Chairperson
- General Secretary
- Members
Executive Body
The Executives are responsible for carrying out administrative tasks of OEC and coordinating between different Departments and controlling & monitoring various Projects. Executive council comprises of following designation:
- President
- Vice President
- Executive Director
- Information Secretary
- Treasurer
General Body is the operational body which actually executes the activities and operations undergoing in the various departments. General Body reports to the executive body about the projects and assigned tasks.
It consists of Project Directors, Department Heads and Volunteers.