Organization for Educational Change (OEC)

MCAT 2021



  • Read the instructions carefully before starting the test.
  • The test consists of 68 Biology questions, 56 physics questions, 56 chemistry questions, 20 English questions and 10 logical reasoning questions to be attempted in 3 hours and 40 min making a total of 210 questions. The timer will start once you click the start button below. Once you attempt/skip a question, you cannot go back to the previous one.
  • Keep a pen, pencil, and a page for rough work.
  • DO NOT use a calculator because the actual test does not allow using one.
  • Start attempting the test during a time period of no disturbance for at least a continuous 3.5 hours.
  • RELAX! Take a deep breath and START.
  • You can attempt the test ONLY ONCE.
  • Good luck from the OEC team.

1 / 210

Q1) Which of the following has the main role in homeostasis of body temprature?

2 / 210

Q2) It is completely reabsorbed at the level of PCT:

3 / 210

Q3) Four metabolic processes are listed below:

1- synthesis of plasma proteins

2- regulation of fat metabolism

3- storage of vitamin A

4- manufacturing of digestive enzymes

4 / 210

Q4) podocytes are cell found in

5 / 210

Q5) Which cannot be the cause of kidney stone formation?

6 / 210

Q6) Amount of blood pumped by the heart into the body per minute is called:

7 / 210

Q7) At the time of diastole, heart is filled with?

8 / 210

Q8) --------- inactivate inflammation producing substances and attack parasites:

9 / 210

Q9) If an artery supplying blood to the brain bursts as a result of high blood pressure, i will lead to:

10 / 210

Q10) In a menstrual cycle of 24 days, which of the following will be day of ovulation?

11 / 210

Q11) Sperm production in humans is :

12 / 210

Q12 ) Epididymis is

13 / 210

Q13) Oviduct in females opens into:

14 / 210

Q14) Peak level of LH(Luteinizing hormone) corresponds with:

15 / 210

Q15) The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called:

16 / 210

Q16) Release of FSH and development of primary follicles starts:

17 / 210

Q17) Follicular atresia is the degeneration of:

18 / 210

Q18) Bones protect critical internal organs like:

19 / 210

Q19) Knee joint and elbow joint are examples of:

20 / 210

Q20) Which of the following is not a function of bones

21 / 210

Q21) During Diabetes insipidus, body fluids become:

22 / 210

Q22) Iodine is required for synthesis of:

23 / 210

Q23) Glucagon increases blood glucose level by all means except:

24 / 210

Q24) Scientist who first time presented concept of evolution with evidences:

25 / 210

Q25) Which of the following is not a vestigial organ in human body?

26 / 210

Q26) Many identical copies of genes can be produce by

27 / 210

Q27) Recombinant DNA technology is popularly known as

28 / 210

Q28) Naturally restriction endonucleases cut:

29 / 210

Q29) central cutting of gene of interest is a accomplished by:

30 / 210

Q30) All are biotechnological products produced by transgenic bacteria except

31 / 210

Q31) All the alleles present in the gametes of a sexually producing population are known as the population’s :

32 / 210

Q32) An interaction between two alleles having single locus for a single trait can be labeled as :

33 / 210

Q33) X linked gene in the male is expressed by

34 / 210

Q34 Chances for a man to be affected by hemophilia C is

35 / 210

Q35) Which of the following cannot be source of mutation?

36 / 210

Q36) It is an example of chromosomal aberration:

37 / 210

Q37) A woman can suffer from hemophilia A. If she is :

38 / 210

Q38) Edwards syndrome is

39 / 210

Q 39. Which of the following statement is false?

40 / 210

Q 40. Flagella and pilli are made of  

41 / 210

Q 41. Extension of the plasma membrane in prokaryotes is a/an

42 / 210

Q 42. In prokaryotes mitochondria are absent, Krebs cycle occurs in 

43 / 210

Q 43. A prokaryotic bacterial cell does not posses a  

44 / 210

Q 44. The rRNA is synthesized by 

45 / 210

Q 45. Sodium and potassium pumps are examples of

46 / 210

Q 46. Centrioles take part in the formation of  

47 / 210

Q 47. An organelle that mainly serves as a packaging area for molecules that are distributed across the cell and are called 

48 / 210

Q 48. The cell theory is not applicable to

49 / 210

Q 49. Identify the structure of plant cell which is non living from the given list 

50 / 210

Q 50.Which cell organelle doesnot contain DNA 

51 / 210

Q 51. Which of the following phylum of the animal is characterized by jointed legs 

52 / 210

Q52. The animals having soft bodies with she’ll as a cover belongs to

53 / 210

Q 53. The active site of an enzyme is situated in its amino acids 

54 / 210

Q54. Which of the following statement about enzyme are true 

55 / 210

Q 55 Enzymes are mainly composed of  

56 / 210

Q 56  Which enzyme hydrolyse triglyceride to faty acid and glycerol 

57 / 210

Q57. A coenzyme is

58 / 210

Q 58.Which of the following is produced with the combination of apoenzyme and co enzyme 

59 / 210

Q59. Which one among them is example of competitive inhibition of an enzyme 

60 / 210

Q60. Hydrophobic interaction play key role in 

61 / 210

Q 61. C2H5NO2 represents

62 / 210

Q62. Ionic bonding would be present in

63 / 210

Q63. Smallest type of RNA

64 / 210

Q 64. Protein coat of a virus that encloses nucleic acid is called 

65 / 210

Q 65. The tobbaco mosaic virus is approximately -------- in size 

66 / 210

Q66. In AIDS , HIV kills 

67 / 210

Q67. Net yield of water in photosynthesis

68 / 210

Q68. Cellular respiration is essentially a/an process 

69 / 210

The SI unit for angular displacement is: 

70 / 210

The angle subtended by a semi circle at the center is:

71 / 210

The direction of centripetal acceleration is

72 / 210

Angular speed for daily rotation of earth in radian/hour is:

73 / 210

The dimensions of angular acceleration are:

74 / 210

Centripetal force performs:

75 / 210

How many electrons per second constitute a current of one micro ampere?

76 / 210

A steady current is flowing in a conductor of non-uniform cross-section. The charge passing through any cross-section per unit time is:

77 / 210

In the case of gases, the charge carriers are:

78 / 210

What is meant by 5 A?

79 / 210

Slope of graph between “V” on axis and “I” on the Y-axis is: 

80 / 210

In the circuit shown, there is a current of 3 A in the 2 Ω resistor:

What are the values of current I delivered by and voltage V across the power supply?

81 / 210

Two cars are moving in opposite directions with speed v. What is the magnitude of their relative velocity?

82 / 210

A man in a car moving with a velocity of 36km/h . His speed with respect to the car is?

83 / 210

A body can have a constant velocity when it follows a:

84 / 210

A ball is thrown with 30 m/s in a direction 30° above the horizon. Determine the height to which it rises.

85 / 210

Emf induced in a circuit according to Faraday's Law depend on:

86 / 210

Which of the following quantity remains same in transformer:

87 / 210

Transformer works on principle of:

88 / 210

Eddy Current is produced in a materials when it is

89 / 210

Weber is a unit of

90 / 210

A step up transformer has transformation ratio of 3:2 what is the voltage in the secondary if the primary voltage is 30V:

91 / 210

Waves transfer____ from one place to another?

92 / 210

Two sources of waves are coherent if:

93 / 210

Single wave is called

94 / 210

According to the Doppler effect, which of the following changes apparently ? 

95 / 210

In a stationary wave,

96 / 210

The interference phenomenon can take place

97 / 210

The phase difference between the displacement and acceleration of particle executing S.H.M. in radian

98 / 210

The P - V diagram of a system undergoing a thermodynamic process is shown in figure. Work done by the system during going from A→B→C is 30 J and 40 J heat is given to the system. The change in internal energy of the gas if the gas is directly taken from A to C  is:


99 / 210

Thermodynamics is the branch of science concerned with __ and ____ and their relation to energy and work. 

100 / 210

 Cp – Cv = R is valid for ______ gases?

101 / 210

  1. Sound waves propagation in air exemplifies an ______ process?

102 / 210

When the heat transfer into a system is more than the work transfer out of the system, then

103 / 210

Tesla can also be written as

104 / 210

1.6eV means

105 / 210

Tick the correct relation:

106 / 210

For which of the following position of Simple harmonic oscillator its velocity will be maximum

107 / 210

Relative permittivity of air is

108 / 210

A thermistor is a resistor which is

109 / 210

μ0 is called

110 / 210

In case of a motor, if V is the applied emf and ∈ is back emf, then net emf in the circuit is

111 / 210

Which one is a crystalline solid?

112 / 210

Elastic deformation is

113 / 210

Fission reaction is possible with

114 / 210

The work function of certain metal is 2.46Ev . If a photon 4.14eV strikes this metal, it will emit a photo electron of energy equal to:

115 / 210

Photo electrons are actually

116 / 210

One micro-coulomb per mega volt is called

117 / 210

The most commonly used diode for special purpose is

118 / 210

A metal rod of length 1m is moving at a speed of 1m/s in a direction making an angle of 30˚ with 0.57 magnetic field. The emf produced in the rod is

119 / 210

Magnetic induction is also called

120 / 210

Work done is moving a charge ΔQ up through the potential difference V is given by

121 / 210

Resistance of a wire is

122 / 210

Resistance of a wire is

123 / 210

Energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of

124 / 210

If maximum range of a projectile is 2000m then height attained will be

125 / 210

Size of the molecule depends upon

126 / 210

CuSO is:

127 / 210

37 gram of aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2 contains ___ moles of OH- ions.

128 / 210

The mathematical expression for charge to mass ratio of electron is:

129 / 210

Charge to mass ratio of cathod rays does not depend on:

130 / 210

Which of the following has the highest ionizing power?

131 / 210

Velocity of photon depends upon: 

132 / 210

Which of the following is not a possible energy state of hydrogen atom?

133 / 210

Which of the following is the correct order of colors on the basis of increasing wave number?

134 / 210

What are the possible sub-orbitals for an atom having n+1=4

135 / 210

The element which can extend octet rule is

136 / 210

Which of the following molecule has angular shape?

137 / 210

The hybridization of oxygen in ethe molecule is:

138 / 210

The number of alpha and pie bonds in Pent-1-ene-4-yne respectively are:

139 / 210

Which of the following species have the same bond order as that of N2-?

140 / 210

Which of the following gas has the lowest density at same temperature and pressure?

141 / 210

Which of the following is a polar molecule?

142 / 210

Which of the following have no cleavage plane?

143 / 210

Chemical equilibrium state is:

144 / 210

Which is the following is correct about the initial state f reversible reactions?

145 / 210

Which of the following is a strong Lewis base?

146 / 210

Which of the following is Henderson–Hasselbalch equation?

147 / 210

Which of the following is the unit of rate of reaction?

148 / 210

The solubility of HgCl2 is highest in:

149 / 210

Which of the following cause highest colligative property?

150 / 210

Which if the following is a Colloid?

151 / 210

Which of the following enthalpy is always negative?

152 / 210

Which of the following have highest heat of hydration?

153 / 210

The oxides of beryllium (BeO) are

154 / 210

Li is different from its family members due to

155 / 210

 Sodium is not observed in +2 oxidation state because of its

156 / 210

The elements in which d or f orbitals are in the process of completion are

157 / 210

 The location of transition elements is in between

158 / 210

Hydrocarbons which burn with smoky flame are called

159 / 210

 Propene can exhibit

160 / 210

Only sigma bonds are present in

161 / 210

 In cyano group the carbon atom shows which kind of hybridization

162 / 210

What will be the products when reactants are alcohol & thionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine?

163 / 210

Which one is not a nucleophile?

164 / 210

During SN2 mechanism carbon atom changes its state of hybridization as

165 / 210

What is the order of kinetics in the SN1 mechanism?

166 / 210

Which one of the following is termed benzyl alcohol?

167 / 210

Which one of the following is also known as the lactic acid?

168 / 210

What is the percentage of lactose in human milk?

169 / 210

The dry mass of plant is composed of carbohydrates up to

170 / 210

When aldehyde reacts with tolen reagent

171 / 210

Alcohol contain 10% methyl alcohol in it is called

172 / 210

Which of the following will react faster with Lucas Reagent?

173 / 210

Which of the following reactant will give us SN2 reaction with highest rate?

174 / 210

The preparation of alkyl halide from alcohol and HCl needs catalyst

175 / 210

Alkane undergo nitration in the

176 / 210

The sigma bond to pie bond ratio in toluene is

177 / 210

Which of the following is more stable?

178 / 210

Which of the following general formula shows hydrocarbon that gives substitution reaction?

179 / 210

The rate of reaction is slowest when 2 butene react with

180 / 210

Which of the following is wrong about cycloalkane?

181 / 210

  I ______ all my childhood in gilgit.

182 / 210

I haven’t had breakfast yet

183 / 210

Pick the correct option

184 / 210

The word ‘LABYRINTH’ means

185 / 210

Choose the correct option

186 / 210

Choose the correct option

187 / 210

________ Oranges are grown in Hunza.

188 / 210

Anusha looks upset, I think she took the criticism _______ heart

189 / 210

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1 The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America. The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of coloured light. The shades of colour that adorn its breast are equally brilliant. As the bird flits from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.  2 But, you ask, why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft, humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings—a motion so rapid, that as they fly, you can hardly see that they have wings. One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen and lays egg, and it was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle. It seemed to have been made of cotton fibres and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, and each was about as large as a small sugarplum.  3 When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes. Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely and even destroy your sight.

  • You can hardly see the hummingbirds have wings because of the:

190 / 210

The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America. The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of coloured light. The shades of colour that adorn its breast are equally brilliant. As the bird flits from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.  2 But, you ask, why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft, humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings—a motion so rapid, that as they fly, you can hardly see that they have wings. One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen and lays egg, and it was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle. It seemed to have been made of cotton fibres and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, and each was about as large as a small sugarplum.  3 When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes. Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely and even destroy your sight.

  • The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes when you:

191 / 210

Choose the correct option from the passage.

192 / 210

Choose the correct one

193 / 210

Choose the correct one

194 / 210


195 / 210


196 / 210


197 / 210

I look at everyone and everything around me in the sea of ______ colors vibrating in the room.

198 / 210

Brighten up and refresh your mobile phone with a new ____ , cover or housing.

199 / 210

We wish them a hearty and ______ welcome and long peaceful lives in our parish community.

200 / 210

All submitted data were carefully _____ and checked for completeness.

201 / 210

Which of the following statements are mutually inconsistent?

  1. Mostly poets are not egoistic.
  2. Mostly poets are humble.
  3.  Some poets are egoistic.
  4. Some poets are not non-egoistic.

202 / 210

If ‘no politician is dishonest’ is false, then the statement ‘some politicians are dishonest’ shall be:

204 / 210

Statement: A number of school children in the local schools have fallen ill after consumption of subsidized meals provided by the school authorities.

Courses of action

  1. This kind of government scheme should be discontinued with immediate effect.
  2. The government should put in place a more effective system to check the quality of meal provided to the students.

205 / 210

In a group of five person A, B, C, D and E one plays Tennis, one plays Chess and one Hockey. A and D are unmarried women and· play no game. There is a couple among them where E is husband of C. No women plays either Chess or Hockey. B is the brother of C and he neither plays Tennis nor Chess. Who plays Hockey here?

207 / 210

Which number should be the next number in the series 

48, 24, 12, _?_

208 / 210

Choose the correct cause and effect relation

  1. All the colleges had to be kept closed in the city for three days a week.
  2. Many students have left the local colleges

209 / 210

Which of the following is different from the others in the given diagram?

210 / 210

Which of the following shows correct cause and effect relation?

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