OEC Education Expo
OEC’s Education Expo is an initiative that arranges interactive sessions for students addressing three areas; self-discovery, confidence building and career counselling.
Volunteers help the students with self-discovery so that they are able to recognize their passions and strength. The students are involved in activities that allow the students to interact with each other and voice their views and concerns which boosts their self-confidence. Resource person from each university provide career, admission procedure and scholarship opportunities related information. Students also get the opportunity to individually clarify their doubts and confusions with the volunteers by having a one-one interaction with the volunteers. This project helps bring out their strong intellectual areas and empower them to make informed decisions when choosing a field.
- OEC earned the best organization award for conducting 35 educational expos in the year of 2015
- A large audience benefits from this program every year in most of the districts of Gilgit as around hundred expos have been conducted in the region since 2009.