G-Bianz glare in AKU-EB SSC and HSSC Examinations 2011
The Talented High Achieving Students of Gilgit Baltistan made all GBianz proud
In the SSC and HSSC examinations 2011 conducted by AKU-EB (Aga Khan University Examination Board) the young Shining stars of Gilgit Baltistan showed the fullest of their abilities and gave surprizing results at national Level. The Students of Giligit Baltistan Grabbed more than 26 positions all over. This is a miraculous achievement in the educational history of Gilgit Baltistan.
These achievements show the abilities of the students of the region and give a strong message that Gilgit Baltistan has the future!!
The OEC officials emmensly congratulate all the achieveres and feels proud of all of them. We wish and pray that this process continues and even improves further. The OEC requests all the achievers to keep the feelings for our wonderful G-B in your hearts and work further hard to take GB to the best possible heights.
As said by Sir Mir Baiz ,
We will make You a place for the world to see.
List of the High Achievers are given bellow.
Subject Topers
- Mohd Mehdi .AKHSS Gilgit. ISlamiyat and maths
- Irum Baig ,AKHSS Hunza, Pakistan Studies.
- Shazia AKHSS Hunza, Physics.
- Soniya AKHSS Hunza, Chemistry.
- Shabana. AKHSS Hunza, Urdu.
- Mohd Sadiq. AKHSS,Gilgit. Pakistan Studies, chemistry ,biology and physics
- Nasir Abbas, AKHSS Gilgit, Maths,
- Adil Shah .AKHSS, ghk Physics and chemistry
- Shahid Iqbal AKHSS Gilgit, Principles of accounting
- Mohd hassan AKHSS Gilgit, Maths
- Asma Gulab , AKHSS,Hunza. English and Biology.
- Nelufar Raza , Akhss, Hunza Chemistry.
- Mohd Qasim. Akhss,Gilgit. Islamiyat.
- Basharat Khan. Akhss,Gilgit Maths.
- Mehnaz Hasrat. Akhss,ghk Physics
- Ali Hassan Butt , Akhss,alt , (Commercial geography, principles of economics, principles of commerce, business mathematics and banking)
- Abdul Muneem. AKHSS Gilgit. Business statitics.
- Khalid Hussain. AKHSS Gilgit, banking.
- Tahir Zaman , AKHSS Gilgit. Commercial Geography
Overall Positions :
- Mohd Sadiq. Akhss,glt 3rd position in Science group SSC 1
- Asma Gulab , AKHSS,Hunza. 1st position in Pre-medical HSSC
- Nelufar Raza AKHSS,H 2nd position in pre-engineering HSSC
- Arifa aziz 1st poistion, SEDNA hunza. Science General
- Benish rahman 2nd position SEDNA in science general
- Anila 3rd SEDNA in science general