The Gold Medalists of KIU | 2011 convocation.
On November 24th Karakorum International University (KIU) held its 5th and 6th convocation together. Students enrolled in the 2006-10 (honors), session 2007 – 2011 (honors), 2008-10 (Masters) and 2009 – 2011 (Masters) were among the graduates who got their degrees on convocation. The High achievers were awarded with Gold medals and this post is aimed to highlight the high achievers.
The OEC Educure teams heartly congratulates all the graduates in general and the High achievers in particular for their success and we wish they will be a play postive roles in the positive change in the society. Congratulations!!The Gold Medalists are as enlisted below

Naeema Gul
D/O Gul Muhammad (Late)
Resident of Gulmit Gojal, District Hunza Nagar
BS(hon) International Relation

Samina Safdar
D/O Raja Safdar
Resident of Ghulkin Gojal
District Hunza Nagar
Masters in Business Adminstration(MBA)

Basharat Ali Hunzai
Resident of Central Hunza
District Hunza Nagar
BS Computer Science

Mudasir Ayub
Secured a Gold Medal
Masters in International Relations
Karakorum International University
From Central Hunza, District Hunza-Nagar

Zohra Hassan
NagarFrom Central Hunza,District Hunza-Nagar,
Secured a Silver MedalIn BS Computer sciences Batch 2010

Ahmad Wali
From District Hunza-Nagar,
Secured a Gold Medal
In BS Computer sciences Batch 2010
(Note:As a matter of fact we are not fully updated about all the Award holders, if you have any further information and knowledge about any Award holder, please share it with us by putting it in a comment bellow. We will confirm it and update the list accordingly.)
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