Empowered women, a Developed Nation
Yesterday, entire world celebrated, 8th March 2012 as “International Women’s Day” OEC believes, “Empowered Women, Developed Nation”
Special messages presented on the occasion from the desk of President
“Role of educated and awared women, especially in the developing and under develop world is very critical for the development of family , society and ensuring modernity
OEC empowers women to contribute equally towards betterment of society”
Jibran Hayat
FAST National University(NU)
Organization for Educational Change
Info Secretory:
We are the mothers, we are daughters, wives and sisters too,
Without us the world can’t move,
Man of the world realizes it too!
We should know the significance of this day. Happy women’s day
Bushra Alli
Gender Studies Student
Quaid-i-Azam University(QAU)
Member Monitoring & Advisory Council
“You are the Half of the Society, and you raise the other half.
This is how high Your Status is.
Understand your role, major role you need to play in society”
Tajjallee Abid
Computer Science Student
FAST National University(NU)
Member General Body:
“For the sake of equal opportunity in provision of same rights as men, there has been huge struggle across the board by women globally. yet, the underlying principles of equality have not been achieved. Though in comparison to earlier times, there has been an immense improvement in treatment of women around the globe. They are moderately more endowed with reverence relative to older epoch. Notably, they are connected to each other through the rich web which has made feasible the exchange of thoughts, values and voice convenient and costless.”
Anila Shafa
Member OEC
Economics Student
Lahore University of Management Sciences(LUMS)