OEC representatives meet Minister for Education G-B

The representative team of Organization for Educational Change met Dr. Ali Madad Sher, the Minister for Education, Welfare and Women Development Gilgit-Baltistan. The team included President Mr. Jibran Hayat, Educure Editor in Chief Mr. Naubahar Rafi and the goodwill partner Mr. Rashid Ud Din.
The team presented 2nd Edition of Educure Magazine to Dr. Sher. The Minister appreciated the voluntary efforts of OEC.
The 2nd Edition of Educure magazine has been distributed all over Gilgit-Baltistan in various organizations, schools, personalities related to education, government offices and NGOs. Copies of Educure have also been distributed to the subscribers in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Abbottabad and other regions of the country. You can also read online version of Educure on official website.
Further reading: OEC gets registered with Government of Gilgit-Baltistan