Orientation session held in Islamabad for newly appointed volunteers of OEC

The first orientation session of the new office bearers of the Organization for Educational Change (OEC) was held on 14th April 15, 2013 at Usmania Restaurant in Blue Area, Islamabad. The event started at 1:05pm with recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an. As many as 28 members ensured their presence including the former President and founding member, Mr. Jibran Ali Hayat, along with other members of OEC M&A Council. The orientation session was aimed at enlightening the newly appointed members about the projects and working mechanism of OEC. The event included formal introduction of coordinators, respective head of departments and members with the peers of OEC. A brief overview was given in the shape of a video and presentation that highlighted evolution of OEC and its major achievements since its inception as an idea of a single magazine to a fully operational NGO. The incumbent President Mr. Syed Naveed Shah while welcoming the new office bearers gave a brief overview of OEC and its main objectives and major achievements in the form of ongoing successful projects, namely: Educure, Scholarhips, Discover GB, OEC Education Expo, OEC Helpline, OEC Blog. He stressed on the need of formulation and execution of innovative ideas to take OEC to new heights and set an example of how an organization can deliver maximum with limited resources. Addressing on the occasion, OEC’s newly elected Vice President, Mr. Imran Hunzai, briefly outlined the structure and hierarchy of OEC and briefed about the projects and initiatives of the organization. He then explained the structural formation and working mechanism of the organization in detail.
Later, a critical ‘question and answer’ session was conducted where the newly selected office bearers asked questions regarding the OEC and its future goals and came up with suggestions that could make improvements in the working of OEC as a dynamic organization. The chairperson of M&A Council, Mr. Naubahar Rafi, in his remarks thanked the members for their enthusiasm and commitment towards working for OEC. President OEC, Mr. Syed Naveed Shah, towards the end while reiterating the need for collective efforts to foster the goals of OEC, thanked the esteemed members especially, Ms. Asma Zafar, Mr. Imtiaz Ali, Ms. Bushra Ali, Mr. Nadeem Gul and Ms.Tajjali Abid for sponsoring the first meeting of the new office bearers of OEC. The meeting ended with a photo session of the new cabinet members.