OEC Participates at GBC Women Entrepreneurship Day Held by AKRSP at Lok Virsa

A six member team of Organization for Educational Change participated at the GBC Entrepreneurship Day organized by Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) at Lok Virsa in Islamabad.
OEC displayed a stall among many other startups, organizations and initiatives from Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral.
The event aimed to enhance the role of successful women business entrepreneurs. AKRSP also held a panel discussion for the emerging young entrepreneurs to share their problems in count of business development.

The panelist shared their inspiring success stories with guidance on how to make your business more successful being a woman. Participants were also provided an opportunity to share their feedback and ask questions from the Panel members.
Other interactive sessions at the event included theater Performance and Art / Photography competition themed under Women Empowerment.