OEC SAT Preparatory Classes in Gilgit – 2017

OEC SAT Preparatory Classes in Gilgit – 2017
The recent summer proved out to be an eventful one for OEC with a number of steps been taken by the new executive body. OEC arranged SAT preparatory classes this July spanning over three weeks in which 18 Students actively participated. The requisite aim was to prepare the students of remote areas of Gilgit-Baltistan for the internationally recognized SAT. Students were not only given the opportunity to have a deep understanding of the tactics and strategies needed to score well in the SAT but were allowed to experience them via different practice sessions. Moreover, these classes would not only help them to do well is the SAT but also help them prepare for the admission tests of numerous universities.
OEC SAT Aims and Objectives
The project aimed at reaching those talented students of Gilgit Baltistan who, despite all the skillset and talent, would otherwise find no good means to get to know about the internationally acclaimed test called SAT. Having realized the importance and need to get these students acquainted with the SAT; OEC decided to launch this project in Gilgit city in the month of July enabling students who were at least at the higher secondary level to take this short 15-days course. OEC also made full use of the human capital that it had. Currently studying at LUMS, Ehsan Ali and Faarid Sanaan gave their voluntary services by teaching Mathematics and English respectively. The response from the students was overwhelming to see. Students were tested at the end of the classes and we can fairly say that this project was a success on account of the overall improvement in the skills of students. With that being said, OEC wants to further this initiative to other parts of Gilgit-Baltistan in the years to come.