Organization for Educational Change (OEC)

OEC representatives took part in the opening Ceremony of the Orphan Care at CEENA Health

OEC representatives took part in the opening Ceremony of the Orphan Care at CEENA Health

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Team OEC Meets Deputy Commissioner Islamabad at his office

Team OEC Meets Deputy Commissioner Islamabad at his office

Team OEC had a fruitful meeting with Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad, the Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, at his office in the capital. Members including Imran Ahmed Hunzai (Chairperson), Junaid Akbar (Spokesperson), Taslim Murad (UGS) and Basharat Jan (IFL); shed light on the mission of OEC and its various projects.

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OEC M&A Council Elects New Chairperson and General Secretary for 2016/17

OEC M&A Council Elects New Chairperson and General Secretary for 2016/17

The Monitory and Advisory (M&A) Council of Organization for Educational Change (OEC) elected new Chairperson and General Secretary for the 2016/17 tenure. In an online election session, Imran Ahmed Hunzai and Wasim Khan Zapoo were elected Chairperson and General Secretary respectively.

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