OEC meeting with CM and Deputy Speaker of Gilgit Baltistan
[fusion_text] Team OEC meeting was blessed with the opportunity to meet the respectable Chief Minister […]
[fusion_text] Team OEC meeting was blessed with the opportunity to meet the respectable Chief Minister […]
With utmost pleasure, we declare that the first and foremost round of OEC Team’s tenure for 2016-17 has been accomplished after efficient decision making of President and Vice President. In this round, we have chosen the executive body for each department after going through a tough and thorough scanning of potential applicants.
The workshop entitled as “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace Building” owing to the mutual collaboration […]
Book review of The New Work of Educational Leaders – Changing leadership practice in an era of school reform written by Peter Gronn, Faculty Member of Education Department at Monash University, Australia.
Much awaited orientation ceremony of the prestigious OEC has been held on April 3, 2016 […]
Organization for Educational Change (OEC) is the well-known organization striving for spreading educational awareness in the remote areas of Gilgit Baltistan and grooming up the youth for excelling in their careers.
OEC Winter Dialogue was held at Potohar Hotel, Rawalpindi, to reviews and reflect of the mission and vision of OEC for 2020.
Organization for Educational Change under its project Discover Gilgit-Baltistan is announcing its annual Photography Competition to create awareness about scenic places in Gilgit-Baltistan region.
Transitional Voyage to Emerge into Learning Communities for Schools in Pakistan
[dropcap color=”” boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”50%” class=”” id=””]L[/dropcap]orem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and […]